Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weekend in Seattle

This weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. I somehow was able to get free front row tickets to the Mariners vs. Yankees game in seattle. I flew up with Eddie Terris and spent two days doing nothing but eating free food and watching baseball. I thought I would write down a few of the memorable moments so that I do not forget them. We arrived in Seattle around 1pm saturday afternoon. We realized that the airport was 20 min away from safeco field as well as our hotel so we decided to rent an infinity to cruise around in. Once we got to the game, we were rushed in through a side door and taken down to the "Diamond Club". There we had an amazing gourmet buffet followed with free drinks, popcorn, pretzels, hotdogs and candy. We watched batting practice which was amazing. Once the game started the ushers came out and asked us what what we wanted to eat or snack on. I couldn't believe this was real! We pigged out on food the whole game. Speaking of the game, we also got exactly what we came for which was a yankee blowout on saturday. I think that is all I can say about it so i think that i will let the pictures do the rest of the talking!



Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break 2009

We pretty much had one of the greatest spring breaks ever. Tyler's aunt offered to let us come crash at her beach house in Huntington Beach for a week. It's an offer that you just cannot pass up on. We spent most of our time at the beach all week. We had to make the stop to Venice Beach as well as Hollywood ( Two of the dirtiest places on earth). Oh and Tyler's uncle plays volleyball on the AP tour along with playing for the US at this last Olympic games. We had the chance to go to a practice and play with him for a bit. We pretty much got schooled but it wasn't too embarrassing being beaten by a pro....

Entry # 1

So I decided that I am tired of facebook because there are too many freaks so I created a blog. Yes, I am single (most blog's are married couples) but I am willing to step into the unknown. . .


ps. there will be more to come soon. I just wanted to get things started.